Project timeline

Oikodrom is a partner in EduLANDS, an Erasmus+ project aimed at training teachers in a learning-by-doing and co-constructed pedagogy for sustainability and cross-cultural education. The project is bridging educational facilities in Spain, Italy and Austria. EduLANDS offers a sequential methodology based on co-building and open-classes processes, which can easily be extrapolated to any local context. In the span of two years, multiple events in the three partner countries are held to connect, experiment with and implement the project outcomes in the respective local context.
Oikodrom coordinates the JPI – Urban Europe project syncity – Synergetic Cities for Europe
syncity shows how urban transformation projects in underinvested neighbourhoods with socio-culturally rich communities can reach high acceptance by its user/ occupants and positively impact on the overall urban fabric including the local economy and human well-being. Our project in Cureghem develops a toolbox for European municipalities to better implement stakeholder integrative and sustainable urban transformation processes in the future.

Oikodrom leads the ADA project Zukunftskarawane (future caravan). The project aims to explore new ways to discuss and promote Sustainable Development Goals/Agenda 2030 with dwellers living in Austrian cities and communities through artistic interventions. Project funded by ADA – Austrian Development Agency and Land Niederösterreich.

Oikodrom is partner of the Interreg project DANUrB – Danube Urban Brand – which aims to strenghten the Danube regional cultural identity by fostering transnational cultural ties between the settlements along the Danube, and by exploring the unused or hidden cultural and social capital resources for a better economic and cultural return. Project co-funded by the European Union (ERDF and IPA II funds) Coordinator: BME – Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Oikodrom is partner of the EU- project NO POOR which aims to build new knowledge on the nature and extent of poverty in developing countries to provide policymakers with a broader understanding of poverty. EU – Seventh framework programme, funded by the European Union.

Oikodrom is initiator and coordinator of the EuroEast Culture project SPACES – Sustainable Public Areas for Culture in Eastern Countries. SPACES promotes artistic and cultural action in public space and the recuperation of public spaces for art, culture and urban dwellers.
EU – EuroEast Culture: Eastern Partnership Culture Program, funded by the European Union ENPI

Agora Urban Living Lab for climate-friendly and personal urban development. In cooperation with Gebiets-betreuung, Wohnpartner und NMS Koppstraße and founded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) The project is adapted to the participants and involves them in the creation process, it demands innovation in the everyday life of the community. The workshop participants should be involved in the process of climate-friendly urban development and their emotional co-ownership is activated.

Eco City
In Kooperation mit dem Team LECIT (Zhengzhou – University; China) und dem CSC Design Studio in den USA (Richard S. Levine) entwickelt Oikodrom für zwei Kleinstädte (Daokou/Henan/China und Grundlsee/Steiermark/Österreich) Konzepte für den Umgang mit Kulturlandschaft, die stark von Wasser geprägt ist. Ziel der gemeinsamen Forschung ist es herauszufinden, wie die BewohnerInnen diese Kulturlandschaften wahrnehmen und welches Potential für eine wünschenswerte Zukunft sie darin sehen.