“Raising awareness for the HAMMAM as a cultural heritage for the Mediterranean area and beyond”
To promote the concept of a contemporary usage of the Hammam, we organised hammam and neighbourhood days in Mediterranean cities, an exhibition and a documentary film. The whole Mediterranean region shares a mutual object of cultural value – the hammam, the public Turkish bath. The aim of Hammamed is to raise awareness for the hammam as a common cultural heritage in the Mediterranean area and beyond. Among the many valuable cultural heritage sites, the hammam has very specific features which reflect its importance and call for its promotion among the public: it is part of the collective memory in the Arab Islamic world and thereby contributes to the identity of the urban — and also village — culture; it is an architectural legacy and a living cultural heritage and as such it combines both a tangible and an intangible heritage; it is well embedded in urban communities, filling an important role for neighbourhoods and, in many cases, for the Medina as a whole, and yet for many reasons, it runs the risk of disappearing.
The management of the neighbourhood hammams often need support in order to face the challenges of a changing urban and societal environment, especially concerning hygiene and religious practices. This project therefore aims to put forward actions targeting urban dwellers, as users of this heritage, and authorities, as responsible agents for its management and safeguarding.
Among the results, we wait for sociological studies, a management concept, and rehabilitation design on ecological basis, “hammam and days of neighbourhood” in Mediterranean cities, an exhibition and a documentary film.
Funded by
European Union within the Euromed Heritage IV programme ,Project number: EuropeAid/126266/C/ ACT/ RMD, Contract 2008/150-443 2009—2011
Contract 2008/150-443, 2009 – 2011

Project lead Austria:
Heidi Dumreicher
Coordinator: Oikodrom, Austria
Project team: Michael Danninger,Ruth Eiselsberg, Bettina Kolb
Oikodrom, Austria
Scientific and Administrative Co-ordinator:
1. Oikodrom, Vienna, Austria
Project partners:
2. University of Liverpool, Magda Sibley
3. IFPO – Institut Francais du Proche Orient, Syria, Sarab Atassi
4. ADER Fès – Agence purt la Dédensification et la Réhabilitation de la Medina de Fez, Morocco, Fouad Serrhini
Hammam Rehabilitation Reader
“Raising awareness for the HAMMAM as a cultural heritage for the Mediterranean area and beyond”

Dokumentarfilm / Luxembourg/Österreich /
Die Länder der mediterranen Region haben ein Objekt von großem kulturellen Wert gemeinsam: das islamische Badehaus Hammam – ein zentraler Ort für soziales Leben, Gesundheit und Hygiene, für Entspannung wie für religiöse Aktivitäten und künstlerische Praxis, und einer der raren öffentlichen Treffpunkte für Frauen. Heutzutage verschwinden Hammams in vielen mediterranen Ländern. Mit ihnen verlieren islamische Städte einen wesentlichen Teil ihres kulturellen Erbes. Ziel des Hammamed Projekt ist es, das Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung des Hammans zu stärken. Die Filmemacherinnen unterstützen das Projekt mit kurzen Filmen, die in Kairo, Damaskus, Fez und Ankara gedreht werden.
:: Credits
Drehbuch & Regie Elke Groen & Ina Ivanceanu
Kamera, Ton, Schnitt Elke Groen & Ina Ivanceanu
Sprecher Julie Mc Carthy
Musik Twais Quartett Damascus
Partizipatorische Filme von Übersetzung Sayid el Arabi, Mualla Akar
Sureyya Bolukbasi, Jean-Laurent Csinidis, Elifhan Köse, Zeynep Erel Bouchaib Mourahib
Tonmischung Blautöne
Produzenten Bady Minck, Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu
Co-Produzentin Heidi Dumreicher – Oikodrom
Produktion AMOUR FOU Luxembourg
Co-Produktion Oikodrom – The Vienna Institute for Urban Sustainability
In Auftrag gegeben von Oikodrom (Wien), Institut français du Proche-Orient (Damaskus) & ADER-Fès (Marokko)
Mit Unterstützung von European Commission (Euromed Heritage IV)
Besonderer Dank an Alle Hamam Forschungs Partner, spezielle die Case Study Leiter, Dalila El Kedany, Emine Saltık, Sarab Atassi