Spaces – cultural public sphere in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
A three year project for artistic and cultural action in public space, taking place in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
The project SPACES – Sustainable Public Areas for Culture in Eastern Countries – promotes artistic and cultural action in public space and the recuperation of public spaces for art, culture and urban dwellers.

Core questions: How can the art and cultural actors in these countries find new audiences and new places for artistic expression? How can art and culture NGOs develop a better standing in negotiations with governmental agencies? What are desirable processes of change?
Processes of networking, social research and policy debates accompanied the artistic, participatory in situ events. A better understanding of public spaces in post-communist cities, a stronger lobby for the independent scenes, and new concepts for cultural governance in the region: these are some of the SPACES results.
This project is funded by the European Union through the Eastern Partnership Culture programm.
Interested in learning more about the project?
Project Coordinator:
Heidi Dumreicher
Ina Ivanceanu
Countries of action: Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine
6 Project Partners:
Loose Associations/Croatia FCCA/Ukraine GeoAIR/Georgia Oberliht/Moldova Minotaurus Film/Luxemburg
Duration: 3 years (2011-2014)
Start: December 1st 2011
Sustainable Public Areas for Culture in Eastern Countries – ENPI / Cris Contract 2011/256804