Dr. Georg Grünberg wins Austrian Award for Development Research

Dr.Georg Grünberg studied Ethnology in Vienna and Sao Paulo with the research focus Indigenous people in Latin America, biocultural diversity and development. He is the vice president of the Austrian Latin-American Institute. Dr. Grünberg is currently working at the University of Vienna, at the Institute of Cultural and Social Anthropology at University Vienna, at the Institute of International Development, University Vienna and at the Interdisciplinary university course for higher Latin-American studies Institute. In 2015 Dr. Grünberg won the Austrian Price for Development research, specially mentioning his cooperation with local institutions and NGOs in Latin America.

2018S VS Umweltkonflikte und interkultureller Dialog mit indigenen Völkern im tropischen Südamerika (3.2.1)
2017 W VO „Neue Anthropologie“ in Lateinamerika: Erfahrungen und Perspektiven (3.2.3)

mail:  georg.grunberg@univie.ac