Founding director of Oikodrom. Heidi Dumreicher, Linguist and pioneer in integrated sustainability research. Initiator and Coordinator of numerous interdisciplinary European Research Grants.
Main research interests: social theory on sustainability and the knowledge society. She coordinates the new project HAMMAMED on the basis of her long-lasting experience within coordinating the City-as-a-Hill, SUCCESS and HAMMAM projects. Due to her experience within the Mediterranean area, she was nominated as Austrian delegate to the advisory board of the Anna Lindh Foundation. She has disseminated sustainability research information through various scientific publications in renowned journals and through arts projects.
mail :
Fields of Research and Activity
Heidi DUMREICHER is a linguist, founding director of Oikodrom and pioneer in integrated sustainability research (she contributed, together with Richard S. Levine, the formulating of Aalborg Charta: European cities and towns towards sustainability, 1994). She is the scientific co-ordinator of the Vienna Westbahnhof, SUCCESS and HAMMAM projects. Heidi Dumreicher built up an extensive network of research scientists from numerous disciplines and countries. Together with Bettina Kolb, she contributes to establishing a social theory on sustainability and the upcoming knowledge society. She has undertaken numerous fact finding tours and studies worldwide – China, India, Islamic countries, sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America (Guatemala, Mexico, Brasil) and brings an experience with scientific journalism (Editor for scientific programmes Austrian national Radio) into her scientific work.
She conducted sustainability negotiation processes between experts and dwellers in national and international projects (at district level in Vienna 15th district, 70 000 inhabitants, at village level in seven Chinese settlements, at urban neighbourhood level in six Mediterranean Islamic countries).
She has disseminated sustainability research information through various arts projects such as through the Cannes 2003 nominated film “In the Beginning was the Eye” (Bady Minck). She wrote numerous publications and conference papers in Europe, China and Islamic Mediterranean countries. At the Vienna University she lectures at the Institute of Sinology.
Research fields: theory of sustainability, interdisciplinary generating of knowledge, applied research, back casting, scenario making, relating theory to practice and vice versa
Language Skills
German: mother tongue
French and Rumanian: excellent
English and Italian: very good
Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese: conversation
Since 1969 several translations from French, English, Rumanian
Project lead
2005-2008 | Scientific Coordinator of the EU-Project HAMMAM 517704, Aspects and Multidisciplinary Methods of Analysis for the Mediterranean Region |
2004 | cinESCAPE, Landscape at the Interface of Science and Art, Symposium, Vienna Project Space |
2003-2008 | Mappa Mundi, film by Bady Minck, Amour Fou Vienna |
2002-2005 | Scientific-coordinator: SUCCESS – Sustainable Users Concepts for China Engaging Scientific Scenarios, EU 5th FP, INCODEV A 4, ICA 4, CT-2002-10007 |
2001 | Symphonie einer Großstadt (Symphony of a Big Town), Vienna MA 18 |
2000-2005 | Von der Information zum Wissen, (From Information to Knowledge), in cooperation with ARC Seibersdorf Research (BibTechMon), Ministry of Science and Art, (Österreichisches Programm Kulturlandschaftsforschung) |
2000-2001 | Sustainability in Inner China, Grant form University of Zheng Zhou and Province of Henan (China), together with Lu Hongyi |
2000 | Times of the City, Vienna MA18 |
1998-2003 | Im Anfang war der Blick (In the Beginning was the Eye), Animation Film in co-operation with film maker Bady Minck, Amour Fou Vienna (Österreichisches Programm Kulturlandschaftsforschung) |
1994-1999 | Sustainable City Implantation Vienna Westbahnhof (Nachhaltiger Stadthügel Westbahnhof), Wien MA 18 und MA 21A, BM für Wissenschaft und Verkehr, BM für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Land Niederösterreich, Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank |
2008 | Dumreicher, H.: The hammam as a microcosm: Insaniyat – Special Volume, edited by Nouria Remaoun and Heidi Dumreicher, Algeria, in press |
2008 | Dumreicher, H.; Prändl-Zika, V. (eds.): Chinese Villages and their Sustainable Future, Special Issue, Journal of Environmental Management, Elsevier, April. |
2007 | Dumreicher, H.; Möller, O. (eds.): Im Anfang war der Blick, Ereignishorizont eines Films, book to the movie from Bady Minck, in correspondence with Maria Amour Fou, Vienna, Sonderzahl. |
2005 | Dumreicher, H. (Hg): Von der Information zum Wissen, HTML CD, Vienna. |
2001 | Dumreicher, H. (eds.): mensch kultur landschaft, Zukunftsräume in Österreich, bm:wv and ORF, Audio CD and booklet, Vienna. |
1999 | Dumreicher, H.: Ein urbanes Nachhaltigkeitsprojekt (An Urban Project of Sustainability), Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Verkehr, Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Land Niederösterreich, Vienna. |
1997 | Dumreicher, H.: Nachhaltiger Stadthügel Wien Westbahnhof, (Sustainable City-as-a-Hill for the Vienna Westbahnhof), Wirtschaftliche Aspekte, Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank, Vienna. |
1996 | Dumreicher, H.; Levine, R.S: Die dreidimensionale Stadt (the three-dimensional City), Forschungsbericht, MA 18, Vienna. |
1996 | Dumreicher, Heidi; Levine, R.S: Ein Nachhaltiger Stadthügel für das Wiener Westbahnhof-Areal, in: Stadt mit Zukunft, Bericht vom 6. Forum der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, Vienna. |
1995 | Dumreicher, Heidi; Levine, R.S.: Stadthügel Wien Westbahnhof: eine Kostprobe (a taster), Forschungsbericht MA 18, Vienna. |
1994 | European Conference on Sustailable Cities an Towns (Aalborg Charta), Werkstattberichte Nr.10, City of Vienna MA 18 |
1994-2003 | Dumreicher, H.: Editor, Oikodrom Stadtpläne, quarterly Journal, 26 issues, Vienna. |
1995-1996 | Dumreicher, H.; Levine, R.S. Nachhaltiger Stadthügel Wien Westbahnhof, die dreidimensionale Stadt, Video ARGE Nachhaltiger Stadthügel, Vienna. |
1996/1997 | Dumreicher, H.; Levine, R.S.: Seven Streams of Urbanity, Permanent Installation, Ars Electronica Center Linz, Austria. |
2004 | Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B.; Knoflacher, M; Kopsca, A.: CD- Von der Information zum Wissen, Die Forschungslandschaft der Nachhaltigkeit aus bibliometrischer und hermeneutischer Sicht, Das Beispiel österreichischer Kulturlandschaftsforschung, Koordinationsstelle der Kulturlandschaftsforschung Österreich, bm:bwk, Vienna, ISBN 3-85224-118-9. |
99/01 | Dumreicher, H.: Mensch -Kultur – Landschaft (Man, Culture, Landscape), Zukunftsräume in Österreich, bm:wv and ORF, Audio CD and booklet, Vienna. |
Selected Publications
Dumreicher, H. (2008): The Hammam: Scenarios for a sustainable future, In: Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development in the Arab World, Fekri, Hassan (ed.), The Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria
Dumreicher, H. (2008): Im Hammam; in Umwelt&Bildung, Forum Umweltbildung, Heft 3/08
Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (2008): Place, social encounter and its meaning for a sustainable future: results from China and Islamic Mediterranean cities, in ARUP 2008; Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, Dep. of Architecture, Urbanism & Time, A Vision for The Future, Egypt
Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (2008): The Hammam – A Living Cultural Heritage, in Sibley, Magda (ed). ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, vol. 2, issue 3 (2008). (International) ISSN 1994-6961. (US) ISSN 1938-7806. OCLC 145980807; LOC 2007212183
Dumreicher H.; Kolb, B. (2008): The Hammam – a Socio Spatial Microcosm and its Potential for the Future of the Mediterranean City, ARUP 2008, Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, Dep. of Architecture, Egypt
Dumreicher H. (2008): Chinese Villages and their Sustainable Future: The European Union-China-Research Project “SUCCESS”. In: A. Gill; H. Dumreicher; V. Prändl-Zika: Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 87.
Dumreicher H.; Kolb, B. (2008): The Social Dimension of Sustainability – an Example from China, Berlin, International Conference on Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, IHDP 22.2-23.2.2008, Berlin, Abstracts
Dumreicher, H. (2008): A Sustainable Future for Chinese Settlements, Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Enviromental Change, Berlin
Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (2007): Sustainable Users Concepts for China Engaging Scientific Scenarios. University of Vienna, Institute for Sinology, Vienna
Dumreicher, H. (2006): Chinese Villages and their Sustainable Future: The Eu-China-Research Project “SUCCESS” in Conference Proceedings at the twelfth Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Hongkong, VR China
Dumreicher, H. (2006): Chinese Villages and their Sustainable Future: The EU-China-Research Project “SUCCESS” Workshop at the Twelfth Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Hongkong, VR China
Dumreicher H. (2006): SUCCESS – A Sustainable Future for Chinese Villages, International Symposium, Chinese Villages and their Sustainable Future, at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (2006): My House, my Street, Seven Fields of Spatial & Social Encounter, in 19th IAPS International Conference on Environmental Health & Sustainable Development, Alexandria, Egypt. Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (2006): Quantitative and Qualitative Information Tool about the Central Paradigms in Sustainability Research, CORP 11th Conference on Urban Planning and regional Development in the Information Society, Vienna
Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B.: (2006)Architecture and social science: Seven Fields of Encounter, Zhengzhou University Henan, VR China
Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (2006): China: Place as a Social Space: Seven Fields of Encounter, Chinese University of Hong Kong, VR China
Dumreicher, H.; Levine, R.S.; Lu, H. (2006): A Sustainable Future for Chinese Villages and Towns at the Tsinhua University, Beijing, VR China
Dumreicher, H.; PRÄNDL-ZIKA. V. (2006): Presentations to different policy makers at MOST and European Commission delegation, Nanchang, Beijing, VR China
Dumreicher, H.; HUGHES, M.; Levine, R.S.; LU, H.; Mather, C. (2005): The Proto-Sustainable Chinese Village as the Generator of the Future Chinese City at the Congress UIA, Istanbul, Turkey
Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (2005): The Definition of Sustainability in the View of Social Science, Seven Chinese Villages and their Potential for a Sustainable Future, PLEA 2005, 22nd Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Beirut, Lebanon
Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (2005): Nachhaltigkeit von Gesundheitsprojekten in China – Heteronome Gesundheitsfaktoren, Internationales Gesundheitsforum: Die Ursprünge des Heilens, Bad Waltersdorf, Austria. Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (2005): Circles of Communication in Chinese Settlements, Public SUCCESS Poster-presentation, Jinma Hotel, Beijing, VR China
Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (2005): The Social Dimension of Sustainability – an Example from Chinese Settlements, Public SUCCESS Presentation, Jinma Hotel, Beijing, VR China
Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (2005): Sustainability Scenarios for Spatial Planning: Ideal or Real?, CORP 2005: Real Models – Unreal World, The Professional Approach to the Unexpected, University of Technology, Vienna
Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (2005): A Concept Leading to Strategies for Sustainability – the Example of Chinese Villages and Regions, 11th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Helsinki, Finland
Dumreicher, H.; Levine, R.S; Lu H. (2005): Chinese Villages – Chinese Cities: a Sustainability Approach. At the 2005 UIA Congress in Istanbul, Turkey
Dumreicher, H. (2004): De la Recherche Scientifique à la Création Artistique: le Film “Au Commencement était le Regard” ( Bady Minck ) at thé Conférence: De la Connaissance des Paysages à l´action Paysagère´, Cémagref, Bordeaux, France
Dumreicher, H. (2004): Chinese Settlements and their Potential for Sustainability, Paper at the Conference Sustainability and Urban Growth in Developing Countries, Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland.
Dumreicher, H. (2004): Project Presentation SUCCESS, Poster at ENCOS – 1st European Networks Conference on Sustainability in Practice, Berlin, Germany
Dumreicher, H., Kolb, B.: (2004) High Tech and High Touch in Chinese Settlements – Communication and Sustainability in the EU Project SUCCESS, CORP- Innovation and Technology as Driving Forces for Sustainable Urban & Regional Development, Vienna
Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (2004): Von der Information zum Wissen, ENCOS – 1st European Networks Conference on Sustainability in Practice, Berlin, Germany.
Dumreicher, H. (2003): Scientific process for the film: In the Beginning was the Eye at the Filmfestival Cannes 2003, France
Dumreicher, H.; Levine, R.S. (2002).: Sustainable Towns, XXI UIA Congress Berlin (Union Internationale des Architectes), Germany
Dumreicher, H. (2001): Sustainability – A New Stream of Thought, International Academic Conference on Economic Globalisation and Pluralistic Development of National Culture, Kunming, VR China
Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (2001): Public Space as a Space for Living: Theses to the Quality of Town and City – an Objective Hermeneutic Approach to Urban Sustainability: Exploitation and Overexploitation in Societies Past and Present, IUAES intercongress, Göttingen, Germany
Dumreicher, H. (2001): Public participation – a Crucial Aspect of Urban Sustainability, Conference Exploitation and Overexploitation in Societies Past and Present, in: Göttingen, Germany.
Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (2000): Seven theses on quality of town, on the Conference of Austrian sociologists – Sieben Thesen zur Qualität der Stadt. Öffentlicher Raum als Erlebensraum, in: In welcher Gesellschaft leben wir? Beiträge der Soziologie zum Selbstverständnis Österreichs am Übergang ins 21. Jahrhundert, Vienna, Abstractband: p. 28.
Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (2000): Öffentlicher Raum als Erlebensraum. Ein hermeneutischer Zugang zur Stadttheorie, Paper Presentation at Tagung Arbeitsgemeinschaft Objektive Hermeneutik, Frankfurt, Germany.
Dumreicher, H.; Kolb, B. (1999): Seven Theses on Town and City Qualities, Poster at Symposium Cities and Settlements at the Conference: Nature Society History, Long Term Dynamics of Social Metabolism, Vienna.
Dumreicher, H. (1999): Moderation of the panel discussion “Tourismus im Nationalpark: Problem oder Partner” Anders Reisen, Eco+Culture, Vienna.
Dumreicher, H.; Zakravsky, K. . (1999): Fernsehlandschaft gegen Stadtlandschaft. Studiokonfrontation. Studiocity, Vienna, 19.2.1999.
Dumreicher, H.; Levine, R.S. (1999): The Sustainable City-Region of the Future; “the Westbahnhof-Example”. University of Vienna.
Dumreicher, H. (1999): Spaces to Live, in: The Sustainable City. A Hermeneutical Sequential Analysis, Vienna.
Dumreicher, H. (1997): Uto ergo sum. The Change from Products to Services in the Public Domain, Facilitator at the panel discussion: Die Schwerkraft der Häuser, Architekturforum Oberösterreich, Vienna.
Dumreicher, H. (1996): An Urban Sustainability Project, Paper at the Conference INTA, Cairo, Egypt.
Dumreicher, H.: Nachhaltige Stadt – eine Stadt mit Zukunft (Am Beispiel des Wiener Westbahnhofes). Österreichische Statistische Gesellschaft, Vienna.
Books and Journals:
Dumreicher H., Möller O. (2008): Im Anfang war der Blick, Sonderzahl Vlg.
Gill A.; Dumreicher H.; Prändl-Zika V. (2008): Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 87: Chinese Villages and their Sustainable future; Special Issue 2, Elsevier
Radio Features : ORF-Features (small selection out of ca. 50 examples)
1996 | Naturanalogien. Sonnenenergie in Architektur und Stadtplanung. ORF-Feature, Ö1, Nova, 16./17. April 1996. |
1999 | Neue Territorien. Die Auflösung des Physischen Raumes. ORF-Feature, Ö1, Nova, 2./3. Februar 1999. |
1999 | Das Jetzt ist ein Gummiband. ORF-Feature, Ö1, Nova, 16. März 1999. |
1999 | Von der Einfalt zur Vielfalt: Eine neue ökonomische Theorie und Praxis. ORF-Feature, Ö1, Dimensionen, April 1999 |
2008 | CHINA, ORF-Feature,Ö1, Dimensionen, August 2008 |
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